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Ultimate Benefits of Yoga

Updated on March 21, 2011

In today’s world of stress and depression, yoga has come up as a natural healer to fight against fatigue, anxiety, stress, and depression and it has also been proven beneficial in treating various types of mental and physical disabilities. Yoga is an ancient Indian science of self-healing, which is applied with the use of exercise and meditation. Yoga’s history dates back to thousands of years and its mention in the ancient Indian epics of Ramayana and Mahabharata, which date back to 4th century B.C and 1st century A.D. confirms this. This famous art of yoga has been practiced by millions of people including saints, priests, kings, and queens throughout India. Slowly and steadily, the benefits of yoga, i.e., power of self control, fitness, and meditation was realized by people of other countries and then this technique spread from India to other parts of the world. Yoga has not only benefited people who were looking for an exercise technique in order to get rid of stress and depression but has also benefited people who have had various types of mental and physical ailments. Also, the various poses or asanas in yoga help achieve self-realization through which a person can practice self-control and heal his/her inner and outer injuries of the body and soul.

Yoga postures and techniques have helped millions of stressed out and depressed people over the world.
Yoga postures and techniques have helped millions of stressed out and depressed people over the world.

Yoga has become so much famous nowadays that millions of people around the world have included this in their routines that means when they wake up from their sleep, the first thing they do after a little freshening up is performing various key poses of yoga. There are different types of interpretations regarding benefits of yoga and each person assigns a different interpretation, but then also it has been agreed upon by all that those who practice yoga, have found greater well-being, have developed increased flexibility in their body, have improved overall body appearance and alertness.

Benefits of Yoga – How yoga helps us?

People who practice yoga on a daily basis lead a longer and healthier life. It is interesting to note that all the poses and exercises in yoga are strictly based on the energetic flow of human body and thinking that yoga has no scientific basis is useless. Ancient saints and physical therapists developed various asanas of yoga to stimulate the flow of energy or life force in our bodies. According to yoga experts, life force (prana) in our body is activated by certain body positions, which then primarily stimulate the endocrine glands. Endocrine glands secrete various types of hormones in our blood. When this stimulation activates the endocrine gland, then begins the distribution of flow of energy or prana in our body, which helps us in being healthy, active, and without any diseases.

According to many Indian and Western experts in yoga, the foundation of yoga is to increase the quality of breathing with the help of asanas.

If a person experiences some minor discomfort while carrying out a particular yogic pose, that person on his own can relieve this problem by concentrating his mind on the area of discomfort and then breathing deeply and sending positive energy to that point.

Kundalini pose in yoga - Feeling all the powers inside
Kundalini pose in yoga - Feeling all the powers inside

Yoga Asanas - Triangle Pose Trikonasana Asana

Ultimate benefits of yoga can be achieved after learning these asanas and it takes time and practice. Once a person gains the knowledge of performing these asanas or poses in a correct way, he/she can feel the ultimate benefits of yoga which are the feelings associated with yoga practice namely mental and physical relaxation, positive flow of energy in the body, flexibility, and the most important thing peace of mind.

Basic yoga posture
Basic yoga posture
Yoga asanas for weight loss
Yoga asanas for weight loss

This is the Virabhadrasana Asana or Warrior Pose in English. This video is brought to you by Yoga Online.

The Warrior pose exercise helps in improving flexibility and energises our body with positive energy.

The above two were examples of various asanas in yoga. I will publish more information on many other asanas in my upcoming hubs.

So at last but not least, benefits of yoga can be achieved by practicing these poses or asanas in a correct manner. Some people who do these asanas for the first time experience minor discomfort and if that is the case with you, then it is better to hire a yoga expert, yoga exercise trainer, or yoga professional in your area.

Yoga Asanas - Warrior Pose Virabhadrasana Asana


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