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How To Regularize Your Cycles And Get Pregnant Fast?

Updated on June 18, 2019
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Rajinder serendipitously discovered an Ayurvedic medicine while endeavoring to assist his wife in conquering her struggle with PCOS.

Getting pregnant with irregular periods is not very easy but not impossible at the same time. The first thing which comes in everyone’s mind who is reading this topic is that a women can get pregnant easily if she is able to control her irregular periods but now the next question comes that, “How it is possible to control irregular periods?” I will tell you how but before that, I will tell you how irregular periods occur so that women who are having regular periods read this and prevent their period to get irregular because prevention is better than cure. Irregular periods occur due to stress or anxiety or depression or loss of weight due to unhealthy diet or lack of sleep or sedentary lifestyle or being overweight or rising environmental pollution or PCOS, a combination of all or few of them and many more factors. Out of all these factors mentioned above, PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is the most common cause of irregular periods in women. Women with PCOS strive to conceive for the rest of their life due to the hormonal manifestations, so the best option of getting pregnant is only treating your irregular periods. There are millions of women who have this problem and they wonder if it is possible to get pregnant in this case but I will again tell you that it is a difficult one but not impossible. Irregular periods account for 35% to 45% of all cases of infertility. Not having periods at all, having irregular periods, or abnormal bleeding during periods indicates that a women is not ovulating which is a clinical condition known as non ovulation. Yes, it is possible to treat this condition of non ovulation with fertility drugs but for your information, these drugs will remain effective up until the time you are taking them and a month after stopping them and again after a month or two, you will start experiencing delayed, irregular, or infrequent menstrual cycles. Contraceptive pills like Diane-35, Yasmin, Mircette, Yaz, LoEsrin 1/20, Triphasil, Nuvaring, etc. which contain progestin and estrogen hormones and are used as hormone replacement therapies also are not able to treat irregular periods completely and the symptoms return back as the effect of medicine wears off.

How to treat irregular periods naturally?

Many women get nervous and stressed due to their irregular periods and without any patience start looking out for shortcuts to treat them as they are planning for pregnancy and need to get pregnant very fast but I would like to tell these women that this condition of irregular periods has not come on suddenly and has developed over a course of few years and if you want to treat this condition, you need to keep some patience and you have to avoid stress as stress and anxiety would only worsen your condition rather than making it better.

Now read the points below and treat your irregular periods naturally:

  • Always eat at regular intervals and maintain the rhythm of your body clock. When you will do basic activities like eating on regular intervals, all other body organs will respond together to maintain the rhythm, yes also your periods will start coming at regular intervals. Don’t you think there is a logic behind eating at regular intervals and getting regular periods. Okay you don’t agree. Now I will give you the scientific reason for this. Here you go. Our thyroid gland is trained to secrete juices at times when we eat. If there are any variations in these timings, it puts pressure on our other glands and therefore we get irregular periods.
  • Second important thing is to reduce salt intake in your diet. I am not saying to stop it off completely but to only reduce it, so you need to keep a hold on your spicy dishes that you prepare and eat with your family on the weekends. Your kids will not get hurt with this as they will love you to be healthy and cheerful rather than down and depressed thinking about your irregular periods.
  • Third important thing is to consume one papaya on a daily basis until your cycles regularize. If you don’t know what is papaya or where to buy it, read this Health Benefits of Papaya Fruit - Where to Buy Papaya Juice. Papaya is recommended for women who are not pregnant and are having irregular periods.
  • Fourth important thing is avoiding sleeping directly after lunch or dinner.
  • Fifth point is staying away from peas, peanuts, cauliflower, pickles, seafood, bakery products until your menses regularize.

Ayurvedic Medicine for Irregular Periods

Do this for one month and check your periods another month. If nothing improves or there is a little bit of improvement, buy Evecare or Menstricare from Himalaya pharmacy. This Ayurvedic medicine is helpful in eradicating the most common cause of women infertility and that are irregular periods but you need to remember to take this medicine for at least three months to regularize your periods.

Getting Pregnant After Regularizing Periods

The above mentioned medicine and natural ways for treatment of irregular periods are very helpful. Now go ahead and regularize your periods first and when they get regularize start conceiving and get pregnant.

HubMob Weekly topic: Having a baby Hub #2
HubMob Weekly topic: Having a baby Hub #2

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